The existing and past clients of our firm, to which we act/acted as their auditors, reporting accountants or provide/provided other professional services are, as follows:
Internal Control Review
Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited (8148)
Changtian Plastic & Chemical Limited (Singapore Listing)
China Sports International Limited (Singapore Listing)
China Trends Holdings Limited (8171)
Chuan Holdings Limited (1420)
Cool Link (Holding) Limited (8491)
Fast Systems Technology (Holdings) Limited (8150) (now known as "Seamless Green China (Holdings) Limited")
Great Harvest Maeta Group Holdings Limited (3683) (now known as "Great Harvest Maeta Holdings Limited")
Green Leader Holdings Group Limited (61)
Hang Sang (Siu Po) International Holding Company Limited (3626)
IR Resources Limited (8186) (now known as "M - Resources Group Limited")
Kingworld Medicines Group Limited (1110)
Li Heng Chemical Fibre Technologies Limited (Singapore Listing)
Pan Asia Environmental Protection Group Limited (556)
Prosten Technology Holdings Limited (8026) (now known as "China Brilliant Global Limited")